Thursday, August 4, 2011

Creative Space: Green

The Boy and I were in the kitchen today.  We road tested Anna's DO-Muffins - except we used our electric donut maker instead of the muffin tins.  The Boy insisted we ice them green and I agreed, hoping the frog like colour would deter me from testing too many of them...

More creative stuff here

Trace xx


  1. Love the green icing... that wouldn't deter me one bit :)
    It's so much fun cooking with little ones hey!

  2. ha, i love them! they look delish!

  3. These look completely gorgeous!! yum.

  4. Ooh that's a fantastic green! Don't know if it would deter me much, if I was really having a sweet craving :-P

  5. Reminds me of a story. My sister in law was one time a girl scout leader, and once they realized that they counted the food a bit short for the camp they decided to put green food coloring in some of the food (for a great game, of course) It worked, the children ate less! (Please don't tell anybody!) Anyway, your donuts look so yummy, I don't think the green coloring would keep me away! (Unfortunately)

  6. An electric donut maker????!!!! Oh how wonderful! Appliance heaven! Loving the green too!


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