Tuesday, January 24, 2012



Today The Boy enjoyed his first full school day.  He had a blast.

The Little Miss is delighted to have her little brother at school.  My heart warms to see how much they care for each other.

Book decorating, The Little Miss and I.  Remembering how much I loved the start of a school year, all empty pages waiting to be filled.  A young mind delighted to be learning.


Today was also a beginning for the bestie and I.  We have been friends since we were 12 and this week both our youngest are at school.  We celebrated with lunch out, two old friends and our own beginings to talk about.

Trace xx

ps our lunch destination was here.  A new kid on the Brunswick street block, this Lady is getting up on her feet.  Beautiful interiors, delightful owner, looking forward to going back in a few months time and see how it is all progressing.  I want those stools!


  1. Congrats Trace, what a milestone to have them both at school. that photo is gorgeous- you need one for your desk at work. melx

  2. Hey Trace! wow thats amazing that they are both at school :) how cool for you :)
    Meanwhile i'm about to have our fourth baby so no where near the freedom you are now feeling...jealous much :)
    loving your NZ posts too!


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